Newborn Care Specialist

Benefits(of hiring me)

1) Less Stress Getting Settled
I will provide for you and your little one a stable environment to make that transition easier.
With my help at night it might not be a breeze, but it will certainly be easier!
3) Fewer Bedtime Struggles
Many parents choose to rock their babies to sleep on their own, but having my help does create a consistent pattern that will help your newborn be more comfortable should they wake up in the middle of the night.
5) A Well-Fed Baby
One of the main reasons your baby wakes up in the middle of the night is because they’re hungry and need to be fed.
If you decide to bottle-feed, it’s my responsibility to feed your newborn so you can sleep and recover. If you decide to breastfeed your baby, I can help with that, too.
With me keeping track of your baby’s sleeping and waking, you don’t have to be as alert to your newborn’s cries and can fall into a deeper sleep between feedings.
2) A Good Routine
Finding a routine that works for you and your precious newborn takes time and practice. I can make creating that routine smoother and easier than you can on your own.
4) More Uninterrupted Sleep
For the first few weeks of your baby’s life, they will wake up in the middle of the night. Even if your two-month-old is sleeping through the night right now, that doesn’t mean they will be next month!
Your little one’s sleep habits may go from eight full hours down to only two or three hours at any time. This change in behavior is called sleep regression, and it can seriously disrupt the good routine you’ve established.
With my help you can survive those sleep regressions without sacrificing the sleep you need to get through the next day.
6) A Comfortable Baby
The other main reason your baby wakes up in the middle of the night is because they have a dirty diaper.
As with the early-morning and late-night feedings, I will clean and diaper your baby and rock them back to sleep so you can stay in bed.